Not All Crystalline Waterproofing Products Are Created Equal: A Deep Dive into the Science
When it comes to safeguarding your concrete structures from water damage, choosing the right waterproofing additive is crucial. But did you know that not all crystalline waterproofing products are created equal? Under the microscope, the science reveals two distinct types of crystalline waterproofing materials commonly available on the market. Understanding these differences can make all the difference in the longevity and durability of your construction projects.
The Science Behind Crystalline Waterproofing
Crystalline waterproofing is a technology designed to enhance the water resistance of concrete. It works by introducing specific chemicals into the concrete mix, which then react with the water and unhydrated cement particles within the concrete. This reaction forms needle-shaped crystals that grow within the capillaries and micro-cracks of the concrete. These crystals interlock, creating a dense network that blocks the pathways through which water can travel, effectively sealing the concrete against moisture penetration.
However, the effectiveness of this technology can vary significantly depending on the product you choose. Let’s explore why.
Three Types of Waterproofing Additives for Concrete
In the market, crystalline waterproofing materials can generally be categorised into two types: reactive and non-reactive.
1. Non-Reactive Pore Blocking Additives:
These additives are often designed to simply fill the capillary pores in the concrete without participating in any chemical reaction. While they may offer some initial waterproofing benefits, their effectiveness tends to diminish over time as the concrete naturally settles and cracks. The lack of ongoing reactivity means that the waterproofing capability of these products can be short-lived, and they may not provide long-term protection.
2. Crystaline By Product producing additives:
Some additives work by producing a crystalline byproduct that, in some cases, does not actively reduce the porosity of the concrete but instead forms a large number of crystals on the surface. This means that the concrete section is intrinsically wet throughout. Under a microscope, we can see that the structure of these crystals is not interlinked.
3. Reactive Crystalline Additives:
On the other hand, reactive crystalline additives, like Kryton’s KIM (Krystol Internal Membrane), go a step further. These products act as catalysts within the concrete, continually reacting with water and unhydrated cement particles to form crystals that actively block water pathways. The key advantage here is that this reaction doesn’t stop after the initial cure. As new cracks form over time, the presence of water triggers additional crystal growth, ensuring ongoing waterproofing protection for the life of the structure.
Crystalline By Product
Kryton KIM: The Power of Reactive Crystalline Technology
Kryton KIM stands out in the market due to its unique ability to act as a catalyst within the concrete mix. Unlike non-reactive alternatives, Kryton KIM’s active ingredients initiate a continuous chemical reaction every time water enters the concrete. This reaction leads to the formation of needle-shaped crystals that interlock tightly, creating a robust and impermeable network.
One of the most significant benefits of Kryton KIM is that it cannot be consumed or used up. The additive remains dormant within the concrete until it is needed, ready to activate whenever water is present. This ensures that the concrete remains protected throughout the entire lifespan of the structure.
The Impact of Kryton KIM on Concrete Permeability
Testing has shown that Kryton KIM dramatically reduces the permeability of concrete. This reduction in permeability means that water is effectively prevented from entering the concrete, significantly reducing the risk of water-related damage such as cracking, spalling, and corrosion of embedded steel. By maintaining a low permeability, structures treated with Kryton KIM are better equipped to withstand harsh environmental conditions and require less maintenance over time.
An exaggerated example of crystal formation is depicted below to illustrate how these interlocking crystals work to seal concrete against water ingress.
Conclusion: Choose Smart Concrete for Long-Term Protection
When it comes to choosing a crystalline waterproofing additive for your projects, the science is clear: reactive crystalline technologies like Kryton KIM offer superior, long-lasting protection. The ability of these additives to reactivate and form new crystals as needed ensures that your concrete structures remain impermeable and durable for decades.
Conclusion: Choose Smart Concrete for Long-Term Protection
When it comes to choosing a crystalline waterproofing additive for your projects, the science is clear: reactive crystalline technologies like Kryton KIM offer superior, long-lasting protection. The ability of these additives to reactivate and form new crystals as needed ensures that your concrete structures remain impermeable and durable for decades.